Guidelines & Brochures — Global

Green Status of Species Guidelines and Assessment Materials

For an overview of the Green Status of Species, please refer to the IUCN Green Status of Species page.

Guidance documents

  • Green Status of Species Standard Version 2.0 [available in English, French and Spanish]
  • Instructions for conducting a Green Status of Species assessment [ver. 2.0 available in English, and ver. 1.0 available in French and Spanish]
  • Green Status of Species Background and Guidelines [ver. 2.0 available in English, and ver. 1.0 available in French and Spanish]


Assessment materials

The Green Status of Species module in SIS is the platform for completing, submitting, and publishing assessments. However, some find it helpful to draft their assessments in an assessment workbook before uploading them to SIS. These workbooks are particularly useful for organising notes, collaborating, and facilitating workshops.

There are two versions of the assessment workbook available: one that uses the default weights to make species recovery calculations, and one that uses fine-resolution weights. To determine which to use for a given species, see the Background and Guidelines section 4.3.


Note that some functionality of these workbooks may be lost if you are using a version of Excel older than Excel 2010. We are working to create a compatible version, and these will be made available as soon as possible.


Completed assessments

Green Status assessments are displayed on the Red List website alongside Red List assessments, providing information about species’ extinction risk, recovery status, and conservation impact in one central place.


Process for submitting assessments

All Green Status of Species assessments must be submitted to the IUCN Red List Unit upon completion.

  • Submissions from IUCN SSC Specialist Groups, Red List Authorities (RLAs), Red List Partners, or IUCN-led projects must be made via SIS, unless otherwise agreed with the Red List Unit before submission. 
  • Organisations or individuals outside these networks should submit their assessments in an assessment workbook (refer to 'Assessment Materials' above).


Submitted assessments are reviewed by IUCN Red List Unit staff (and sometimes an external taxon expert) to ensure they are robust, complete, and correctly apply the Green Status of Species methodology. Any issues highlighted after submission will be communicated to the Assessors by the IUCN Red List Unit.

  • Assessments that are accepted for publication will appear in a future update of The IUCN Red List.
  • Any assessments that do not fulfil all of the requirements for publication will be returned to Assessors with an explanation of the issues identified. These assessments can then be revised and/or corrected and resubmitted at a later date.


Contact Magdalena Cygan with questions about, or for assistance with, the assessment and review process.

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